Trilogy of Senses

12th of October, 2023 19h Center for Self-Knowledge Orpheus 18, Peyo Yavorov blvd, Sofia, Bulgaria “Trilogy of the Senses” is an exhibition of three authors who are connected to each other on a sensory level. Their sensibility makes them, touching and...

Spring Fantasy

28th of March 2023, “Savov” Art Club, Plovdiv The spring mood entered the “Savov” Art Club with the wonderful and colorful paintings of the two artists, who are loved by the Plovdiv public. The works of the artists complement each other in a...

Extravaganza of Colors

5th of November 2022 (Saturday) 13, Exarch Joseph str, Plovdiv, Bulgaria First of all I want to thank our hosts for the opportunity to be together again dear guests and friends. We have long since turned our joint exhibitions into a tradition that symbolizes our...

For 24th of May in Riyadh

The Day of Bulgarian Alphabet, Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture is a holiday, celebrated every year on May 24th and is an official holiday of Bulgaria since 1990. In 2020, the name was changed to Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian...